Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 188 of 624

existence. Whether it is a father educating his sons, a spiritual master guiding his disciples, or a king advising his subjects, everyone should teach his own as I did with you. And even if the disciple, the son or the subject is sometimes unable to follow the instructions, it is nevertheless necessary to continue to teach him without getting angry. As for the ignorant who engage in righteous or ungodly acts, they must somehow be made to participate in devotional service; furthermore, they should always avoid the self-interested action. What would be gained by subjecting a disciple, a son or a citizen who is deprived of spiritual vision to karmic activities? One would act like one who leads a blind man to a deep well and causes him to fall”.

The Lord adds: May the wise not trouble the ignorant attached to the fruits of their deeds. They are not to be encouraged to inaction, but rather to imbue their every act with love and devotion.

Logos 206

Goto table of logos

The Lord says: “When the influence of ignorance covers the individual soul, it cannot understand the nature of the infinitesimal being nor that of the Supreme Being; his mind is then monopolized by the action concerned. Therefore, unless she develops her love for the Supreme Lord, who is none other than Myself, she is certainly not free from successive transmigrations”.

When the mind is soiled by the self-interested action, the individual being always aspires to a better material situation. In general, everyone works hard, day and night, to improve their economic condition. And even when the living being has the knowledge of religious rites, he turns to the planets of Eden, ignoring that his real interest consists in returning to God, to his original home. If he stays on the path of self-interested action, he must roam the whole universe in different forms and species. Unless they come into contact with a devotee of the Lord, a genuine spiritual master, no one can become attached to the service of the Lord. Knowledge of God is only acquired after many lifetimes.

It is only after striving for one's sustenance over many lifetimes that one can find refuge with God. The living being then becomes truly wise and surrenders to the Lord. This is the only way to put an end to the recurrence of births and deaths. The embodied and conditioned being wanders from one planet to another, in different forms, in different bodies, but if he is fortunate enough to meet an authentic spiritual master, he will be able, by his grace, to find refuge in God, and begin his devotional life.




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