Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 104 of 624

Who masters his senses by observing the regulating principles of freedom, receives from the Lord his full mercy, and is thus freed from all attachment as from all aversion.

Logos 56

Goto table of logos

The blessed Lord says: “When a man frees himself from the thousands of material desires created by his mind, when he is satisfied in his true self, it is because he is fully aware of his spiritual identity.

The one that the three forms of suffering here below no longer affect (those caused by body and mind, those caused by other living beings, those caused by the elements of nature; hurricane, earthquakes, cold, etc.), that the joys of life no longer intoxicate, that attachment, fear and anger have left, this one is held to be a wise man with a firm mind.

He who, free from all bond, does not rejoice in happiness any more than he grieves over misfortune, he is firmly established in absolute knowledge.

He who, like a turtle that retracts its limbs to the bottom of its shell, can detach the senses from their objects, this one possesses the true knowledge.

Logos 57

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Lord says: “Free yourself from any act material through devotional service, absorb yourself in it and do not seek to benefit from the fruit of your acts. "Avaricious" those who aspire to the fruits of their deeds.

Devotional service can, in this life, free those who engage in it from the consequences of action, good or bad. Strive for the art of acting in union with God. Absorbed in the service of love and devotion, the sage takes refuge in the Lord and, renouncing the fruits of his acts in this world, frees himself from the cycle of death and repeated rebirth. He thus arrives at the state which is beyond suffering.

When your intelligence has crossed the thicket of illusion, all that you have heard, all that you could still hear, will be indifferent to you.

When your mind will no longer be distracted by the flowery language of scriptures, when it is completely absorbed in spiritual realization, then you will be in union with the Divine Being.




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