The Words of God
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splitting until they get it, disturbing the whole neighborhood; then, as soon as he gets the desired object, he laughs. These tears and laughter are the joy of parents and senior members of the family; so the Lord laughed and cried in this way, one after another, causing waves of spiritual pleasure in the devotees who were his parents. These particular incidents are within the reach of only the inhabitants of Vraja, such as Nanda Maharaja, and not of the impersonalist worshipers of the Impersonal Spiritual Being or the Supreme Soul. Sometimes, when demonic disbelievers attacked him in the forest, Krishna seemed stunned, but He looked at them like a lion cub and killed them. His childhood companions were also in awe, and when they returned home, they quickly told their parents everything, and all appreciated the qualities of their Krishna. The child Krishna did not belong only to his parents, i.e. Nanda and Yasoda, but He was also considered the son of all the elder inhabitants of Vrindavana just as He was the friend of all. young boys and girls his age. Everyone loved Krishna; He was the life, the very Soul of all beings, including cows, calves and forest animals. This is why Krishna means The Infinitely Fascinating.

The Lord remains the Lord in all circumstances. Whether as a child in his mother's bosom, yasoda, or as a young shepherd with his sublime friends, He continues to be God, without any of His six excellences being diminished. Thus He remains unrivaled.

The mere practice of listening attentively to the entertainments of the Lord confers innumerable benefits.

Verily, whoever hears, sings, or relishes the wonderful tales of the entertainments of the Lord who appeared in his original, personal form, of plenary emanations or Avatars, in order to deliver the world, he is immediately freed from the consequences of all his faults, including the murder of a sage. The holy being, the perfect spiritualist, must constantly welcome with great respect the account of the Lord's entertainments, for they always take place on the plane of transcendence.

Every living being, and especially a representative of the human race, should feel gratitude to the Supreme Lord for the blessings obtained by his grace. And whoever shows such gratitude, with all simplicity of heart, should be aware of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and serve him with love and devotion.

Because the Sovereign Lord is located on the absolute level, he there is no difference between his entertainment and Himself. Whoever listens to the account of the Lord's amusements is thus in contact with Him, and whoever lives in the personal company of the Lord is freed from the consequences of all his faults, would it be the murder of




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