The Words of God
Page 89 of 121

The distinct being (individual and distinct from God) can perceive very clearly that he exists as a real observer, but fact of the disappearance of the ego in the state of deep sleep, he believes himself lost, just like a desperate man of having lost his fortune, considers himself annihilated.

When, by a mature understanding of things, the being comes to realize his own identity, the situation to which he submitted himself under the influence of the false ego becomes manifest in his eyes.

It is possible to achieve liberation if one seriously accomplishes devotional service and if one thus listens for a long time to words concerning My Person or emanating from Me. He who thus fulfills his prescribed duties will not suffer any repercussions for any of his acts, and will be freed from material defilement.

This devotional service must be energetically accomplished in perfect knowledge and with spiritual vision. One must be firmly renounced and practice austerity as well as yoga in order to establish oneself with constancy in the interior absorption.

The influence of the material nature has covered the distinct being, thus plunging it as in a perpetual blazing inferno. But by the serious practice of devotional service this influence can be dispelled, just as the pieces of wood used to light a fire find themselves consumed by it.

Letting go of his desire to dominate material nature for having taken consciousness of the faulty nature of this desire, the living being becomes independent and rises in its own glory.

He who dreams and whose consciousness is almost entirely veiled, will be able to see many fatal signs, but in waking state, in full consciousness, these same phenomena cannot disturb him.

The influence of material nature cannot harm an enlightened being, even if he engages in material acts, for He knows the truth concerning the Absolute, and his mind remains fixed on God, the Supreme Person.

When a person thus devotes himself to devotional service and spiritual realization for many years, in multiple existences, he becomes everything quite reluctant you to taste the pleasures offered by any material planet, be it the highest, known as Brahmaloka, his consciousness then develops fully.

My devotee verily accesses spiritual realization through My infinite and causeless grace, and thus once freed from all doubt, he walks steadily towards his own destination, which is directly under the protection of My spiritual energy, all of pure bliss. This is the ultimate perfection that the distinct being must achieve. After having left his material body, my servant (my servant) therefore returns to this absolute abode never to return to this world again.





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