The Words of God
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of unbelieving demonic disbelievers, and his task accomplished, He simply disappeared from the worldview.

Lord Krishna descended into the mortal world by his internal power, He came in his eternal form which befitting quite his entertainment. The bodies which the Lord manifests in the material universe are absolute, in the sense that His entertainments within the mortal world reveal a greater mercy than that He shows on the spiritual planets. On the spiritual planets the Lord shows great mercy to the liberated souls, who live there, but during his entertainment in the mortal world, He bestows His grace even on fallen souls, forever conditioned. Moreover, the six seductions with which He adorns himself in the mortal world by the play of his internal power, are rare even on the spiritual planets. All his entertainment is manifested not by material energy but by his spiritual energy.

In truth, the Lord appears and disappears in countless galaxies, and when He is present in a particular galaxy, this last one bathes in the spiritual light, while another, which He just left, is then again plunged into darkness. When Lord Krishna passes away, materialistic atheists feel quickened, but holy beings grieve. However, this entertainment goes on forever. Indeed, the Lord is always present in one or the other of the innumerable galaxies. The disappearance of Lord Krishna in one galaxy corresponds to the start of his many entertainments in another. To be more precise, as soon as entertainment ends on earth, for example, it begins to manifest elsewhere. This is how his everlasting entertainment continues unabated. Krishna's entertainments become visible in a given galaxy once every Brahma day; and this day lasts four billion three hundred and twenty million (4,320,000,000) solar years. But wherever the Lord is, all of His wonderful entertainment takes place as revealed in the holy scriptures, and at regular intervals.

Let's all go back to live with God.

Human life has not other meaning than that of allowing the living being to develop his awareness of Krishna, his awareness of God.

What to do to approach God, and remain with Him?

The Lord answers : Always fill your mind with Me, and become My pious servant (My pious servant). Be faithful, devoted, envious, and committed to My service. Just surrender to Me. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not cast worried glances, for I am your God. I strengthen you, I come to your aid, I support you with My triumphant right hand.





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