The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 714 of 728

The living spiritual soul is a tiny fragment of God, it is an integral part of his divine person, and exists in all forms of life, celestial beings, human beings, animals and plants.

It is ignorance of the data relating to the truth that causes human beings to abort. For example, fools believe that neither animal nor plant has a soul. This belief has no rational basis. Animals and plants have souls.

It is this absurd mentality that is currently destroying civilization. People have become so degraded that they think the embryo has no soul and aborts. Now if the egg already has a soul, all the more so the embryo which proceeds from the egg. Yes, the embryo does have a soul within it, and aborting is an abominable crime.

God informs us that everyone has a soul, and that the latter dwells in all forms of life, heavenly, human, vegetable.

The individual soul evolves from a lower body to a higher form, this is what is meant by spiritual evolution. Once attained the human form, the soul can surrender to the Lord to return to Him, to his eternal and absolute kingdom.

Otherwise, it will remain in this world of matter to undergo repeated tribulations there. of birth, sickness, old age and death. She will then have to reincarnate repeatedly, and suffer each time.

To abort is to prevent a soul from progressing and seeking God.

In truth from the first phase, that of the union of the spermatozoon and the ovum, the soul is there in the egg which they generate, for it is this which gives the life to the egg thus constituted. It is thanks to the soul that the egg will be able to develop and become an embryo, thanks to the soul again that the embryo will develop into a fetus, and always thanks to the soul that the fetus will develop for become, finally, a complete baby body. It is always thanks to the soul that the baby's body will develop to become that of a child, then thanks to the soul again in that of the adolescent and finally of the adult.

The soul spiritual is, in truth, life, the active principle, the vital force which gives life to the body which it penetrates and which allows the latter to move. Remove the soul from the egg, or the embryo, or the fetus, and the fetus can never develop. Ditto for the full body of babies, children, adolescents and adults. It is the soul that brings life




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