The Pure Spiritual Science
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who came afterwards, more especially Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who was none other than the Lord, guided men on this way, leading them to realize God and return to Him.

The Srimad bhagavatam, words of wisdom, the wisdom of God, pure spiritual science, was compiled just before the onset of kali-yuga, the age of iron, the present age, is nearly 5,000 years ago, and Buddha appeared about 2,600 years ago. The Srimad-Bhagavatam had therefore predicted his coming. Such is the value of this writing of light, which also contains many other prophecies, which we all see come true one after the other. This point helps to establish the absolute character of Srimad-Bhagavatam, where there is no trace of error, illusion, deception or imperfection, that is to say of the four weaknesses proper to any being conditioned by matter. Liberated souls stand beyond these imperfections, and this is how they can see and predict future events, even if they are far away.

Logos 356

What kind of sex life can one lead in living in the material world?

According to the Vedic principle, of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures also called “the true gospel”, we must avoid all sexual activity, because it is important to achieve freedom from the hold of matter in which we are all imprisoned.

Of the various attachments to material pleasures, the attachment to sex life is the strongest. Man is attached to woman and woman to man, and this not only in human society, but also in the animal kingdom. This attachment is the fundamental principle of material life. Women seek the companionship of men, and men seek companionship with women.

Attachment is inherent in being. According to the spiritual principle, the sexual act is reserved for married couples only, because it has only one function, procreation, and should in no case be used to stir up the pleasure of the senses.

If we want us liberate from this material world and break the chains that hold us prisoner of matter, we have to nullify this attachment, otherwise it will only continue to grow and we will have to be reborn again and again, either as a celestial being or as a human being, or like an animal. This basic principle of always increasing one's attachments is the general trend, but not that of faithful servants of God. The ideal is to reduce these attachments until you have none at all.





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