The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 32 of 728

6. Parents have a duty to raise their children in God consciousness. The Vedas teach that parents are responsible for the reactions due to karma of their children. In other words, if your child gets into bad karma, you have yourself to a party. We must teach children that it is important to obey the laws of God and avoid sinning. It should also teach them how to develop them in their love for the Supreme Lord. Parents should familiarize themselves with the subtle laws of karma and reincarnation.

7. Krsna conscious beings must not indulge in illicit sex life, that is to say outside of marriage, or that is not intended for procreation. Also note that abortions are of particular karma; those involved in the murder of a child in the womb of his mother will themselves be placed in the womb of a mother who decides to have an abortion; they will be massacred also in a horrible way. However, one who wants to put an end to this kind of sin will overcome the reactions imposed by karma by chanting the holy names of God with devotion and without committing any offenses.

8. It must, regularly, socialize striving to free themselves from the influence of karma and of the birth and death cycle. Because they live in harmony with the spiritual principles that govern the universe, devotees, devotees of Lord Krsna, transcend the influences of material nature and are beginning to show genuine spiritual qualities. Thus, as can getting a disease attending a sick person, it is possible to awaken again, gradually, our spiritual qualities in contact with the devotees.

By following these simple rules, any man can overcome the effects of karma; conversely, one who does not observe the will, without fail, be entangled in the snares of material action and its consequences. The laws of nature are intransigent; unfortunately few know them. But ignorance of the law excuses no one. Whoever is arrested for speeding can claim to be innocent because he did not know the speed limits. Nature does not excuse one who is ignorant of the principles of hygiene: ignorance will make him contracting a disease. A child who ignores the nature of fire will inevitably be burned if his hand touches a flame. So, in order to escape the endless repetition of birth and death, we must understand the laws of karma and the phenomenon of reincarnation. Otherwise, we will return constantly in this material world and it will perhaps not always in human form.

The soul in its conditioned state, is comparable to the pilot of a spaceship capable of living constantly travel through time and space. Due to the cosmic law of karma, the soul comes to inhabit different bodies on different planets in the material universe. But regardless of where the soul makes, she will meet the same conditions. As taught by Krishna in Bhagavad-gita (8.16): "All the planets of the universe, from the most advanced to the lowest are places of suffering with a succession of birth and death,




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