The Pure Spiritual Science
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beings, that as the Supreme Soul or the Holy Spirit, he always accompanies the embodied soul, whatever the circumstances. The Lord remains with them in their hearts as a witness, a guide, a friend, for the sole purpose of helping them to return to his eternal kingdom. He wants them to permanently leave this world of suffering.

The human being is, in truth, a spiritual entity or spiritual soul, and not the body of matter which has covered it. The day when all human beings become aware of this truth, they will understand that they are neither white, nor black, nor yellow, nor red, nor mestizo, nor American, nor European, nor Asian, nor African, but the members united from the same divine family, that of God, and that they are not of this world. Then hatred, racism, discrimination, inhumanism, indifference, lust, envy and pride will disappear, and love, harmony and peace will appear. It is everyone's responsibility, and God commands us, to spread this truth to the whole world.

The so-called “modern” society, having materialism and the pleasure of the senses as its essence, totally neglects spiritual education which is practically nil, and prefers to do without real food, the word of God.

Hence the disturbing emergence of atheists, unbelievers, satanists, who lead men astray and incite them to violence. This is why the Lord asks you to listen to his servants, realized souls, because they have knowledge and are there to reveal to them God as he is, the absolute truth, to teach them what relates to spiritual realization and the lead to the Supreme Lord.

Being spiritual souls, bodily conceptions do not concern us.

Body, thinness, physical and mental suffering, thirst, hunger, fear, disagreement, the desire for material enjoyment, old age, sleep, attachment to material goods, anger, affliction, illusion and identification with the body are only so many transformations of the material envelope which covers the spiritual soul. Anyone caught up in a material conception of existence, focused on the body, is affected by these phenomena, but the soul is in no way affected by this bodily conception. So she's not fat, skinny, or anything like that.

the spiritually evolved being has no connection with the body or with its acts and their consequences. When we come to understand that our own existence differs from that of the body, and that we are therefore neither fat nor lean, we reach the highest level of spiritual realization. On the contrary, the one who is not aware of his real identity remains chained to the material universe because of his bodily conception of existence. Right now, all of humanity is living with this bodily consciousness. Spiritual intelligence makes it possible to understand this truth and at




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