The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 229 of 728

as the elements of the material body are eternal, so is the living being within these elements eternal.

God allows us to understand that there are two energies, one higher and one lower. The latter is constituted by the material elements, five gross (earth, water, fire, air and ether) and three subtle (the mind, the intelligence and the false ego). The living being, the soul, which represents the higher energy, manifests itself in different types of bodies made up of these elements, under the action or direction of the material energy. In fact, material energy and spiritual energy-matter and spirit-exist eternally as the powers of God, the Sovereign Being. The source of all power is the Supreme Personality. Since the spiritual energy, the individual being, which is an integral part of God, the Supreme Person, wants to enjoy the pleasures offered by the universe of matter, the Lord gives him an opportunity to put on different types of bodies and to know the joys and the pains inherent in different material situations. In reality, the spiritual energy (the living being who wants to enjoy the goods of this world) is manipulated by the Supreme Lord. Those who are called "father" and "mother" have nothing to do with the living being, the incarnated soul. As a result of one's own choice and karma, the individual being receives different bodies through so-called fathers and mothers, who play this role only the moment of an ephemeral life.

The divisions that result from generalizations and distinctions, such as nationality and individuality, are the result of the imagination of people who are hardly advanced in the field of knowledge. There are actually two kinds of energy, one material and the other spiritual. Both exist forever, for they are emanations of the eternal truth, the Supreme Lord. Since the individual soul, the individual being distinct from God, has from time immemorial the desire to act in the forgetfulness of its original, real identity, it accepts different situations within various material bodies and it is attributes various denominations corresponding to innumerable nationalities, communities, social groups, species, etc., which have nothing to do with real, spiritual existence. For a saint, a soul advanced in knowledge, who has become aware of his spiritual identity, there is no reason to rejoice or to be saddened from the material point of view, by the loss of a being. expensive. It is indeed always on a plane that transcends conditioned life.

Wishing to carefully consider the position of the spiritual soul. In other words, let's understand who we are, the body, the mind or the soul?

Let us reflect on our true origin and identity, on our destination once we have abandoned our bodies, and on the reason why material punishment is now overwhelming us. Let us try to understand our real position in this way, then we will




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