The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 205 of 728

The Supreme Lord says: "From the earth I am the original perfume, and from the fire the heat, I am life in all that lives, and the asceticism of the ascetic"

Only God can create flavors and aromas. The man, in his turn, may attempt to reproduce them artificially, but their quality will be much inferior to that of natural essences. So, whenever we breathe a perfume or contemplate some beauty of nature: "Here is God, here is Krishna! And before all things extraordinary, marvelous, or in the face of all manifestation of power, "Behold Krishna". Likewise, we must see every soul, whether it dwells in the tree, the plant, the animal or the human, as an integral part of God, which animates these various material forms.

God adds: "Know it, I am of all beings the first seed. From the intelligent I am the intelligence, and the powerful the prowess.

Here we find this evidence, that K?ishna is the life of all that lives. This is how we can see God every moment. Some ask:

"Can you show me God?"

God seems visible in so many ways! But what to say to one who refuses to open his eyes and who is therefore "blind" as Jesus said?

The easiest way to see God is to always sing Hare Krishna. In the heart of a factory or some other place like hell, in a hut or in a palace, it does not matter, you just have to sing.

hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare

hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

This song costs nothing, no obstacle opposes it, and it is offered to all, without distinction of social class, nationality or race. Sing and listen only. You will then be given, by the mercy of God, to obtain the eyes to see Him everywhere and always.

The Supreme Lord says, "Those who always serve Me and adore Me with love and devotion, I give them the understanding through which they can come to Me".

Unless you develop such a love for Krishna, God, it is impossible to see it. On the contrary, he who fully rekindles his love for the Lord contemplates him at every moment, for the Lord reveals himself to him. The supreme perfection can be attained by the practice of the service of love and devotion, which alone makes it possible to approach God and can give peace to man. The service of love and devotion offered to God is the summit of perfection.





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