The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 191 of 728

can not understand that the purpose of life consists in returning to their original dwelling for to serve God. Just as blind men guided by another blind man get out of the way and fall into a ravine, men attached to material life who are guided by other men also materialistic spirit, are bound by the very robust ropes of the action concerned and pursue endlessly their material existence, subject to the three forms of suffering.

Throughout history, man has sought to alter circumstances by manipulating external energy or material energy, without knowing that he was bound hand and foot by the laws of material nature, laws that no one can violate.

The Lord says: "Immersed in the oblivion of God, the living being has been seduced by My external energy since time immemorial. That is why the energy of illusion makes him suffer all kinds of suffering in this material world."

Material Nature dominates the living being by means of its different modes of influence; but out of ignorance, the being thinks: "I invent, I act, I progress. This is called illusion. No one can progress or improve without the consciousness of God. Individual beings, distinct from God, came into the material universe because they wanted to imitate God. The possibility of apparent enjoyment was thus granted to them. At the same time, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is so good that He gives them the right guidance, telling them:

"Okay, if you want to enjoy life, do it in such a way that one day you can come back to Me."

As the living being forgot God or disobey Him to seek to enjoy life by imitating Him, He was placed in the material universe. Under the tutelage of Durga, regent of this world of matter, the being can return to his original home, located in the kingdom of God. This is the overall plan to which there is no real alternative. Each of us must reintegrate the kingdom of God, our first home. By joining it willingly and without delay, you save time; otherwise, we lose some. After several lifetimes of effort, the sage abandons himself to God. It is ultimately a matter of surrendering oneself to Him. The illusion energy that is akin to Satan, will torment the being in various ways so that he reaches this conclusion. When the being becomes frustrated in his efforts to satisfy his senses, let us understand that a special grace is granted to him. The being always wants to linger, but God shows him a special favor by drawing him to him by force. The soul desires God, but at the same time, it aspires to enjoy the material universe. This is contradictory, because to desire God is to reject the material world. Being being sometimes stuck between these two desires, Krishna




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