The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 180 of 728

Yamaraja court could cross a distance of more than five billion kilometers in just a few seconds; and note that this journey is a material, not spiritual, process.

The Supreme Lord continues: "He sees himself in the midst of pieces of burning wood and his limbs are delivered to the flames. In some cases, it is forced to eat its own flesh, or it is devoured by others.

This subject and the following three describe various punishments. The first picture shows the criminal eating his own flesh, tortured by fire or devoured by other beings, who are in the same condition as him. During the last world war, prisoners from concentration camps were sometimes seen eating their own excrement; it is therefore not surprising that in the kingdom of Yamaraja, those who have enjoyed life by eating the flesh of others (meat, fish and eggs) are forced to eat their food. own flesh.

Those who kill and eat the flesh of animals will go to Maharaurava, a hell designed for those who kill animals, that is to say the ranchers who drive their animals to the slaughterhouse, the slaughterhouse priests, the butchers, the fishmongers who sell their animals. flesh and carnivorous humans who consume them.

The Supreme Lord adds: "His bowels are snatched from him by the dogs and vultures of hell while he still lives to witness the scene; and snakes, scorpions, mosquitos, and other creatures sting and torment him."

"His limbs are then torn from his body and torn apart by elephants. It is thrown from the mountains, and imprisoned under water or in a cave.

"The men and women who have based their lives on the satisfaction of illicit carnal desires are placed in all kinds of horrible conditions in the underworld of Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava."

Material existence is based on sexual life. Indeed, all materialists, forced to hard tribulations during their struggle for existence, base their lives on carnal pleasure. This is why the Vedic civilization admits sexual activities only in a limited way; they are intended only for married couples, only in the context of procreation. Those who, for the sole purpose of satisfying their senses, resort to carnal union in an unlawful and unlawful manner must expect, men and women, to be severely punished, whether during this life or after death. . In this life, they may be struck by infectious diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea, and after death, as we see in this passage, they are likely to experience a thousand hellish sufferings. The Lord strongly condemns unlawful sexual life (out of wedlock), adding that those who father




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