The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 160 of 728

Similarly, let's not kill, do not hurt animals, and do not eat their flesh.

The original scriptures say, "All the animals we have killed and uselessly suffer will kill us one after another in our next life and in all our other lives."

Those who kill animals, make them suffer needlessly and eat their flesh, as is the practice in slaughterhouses, will be killed in a similar way in their next lives and in many lives to come. There is no forgiveness for such an offense. Whoever kills thousands of animals by profession so that people can buy the meat and eat it must expect to be killed in a similar way in his next life and in many other lives. Many unscrupulous individuals even go so far as to violate their own religious principles. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures clearly give the following command: "Thou shalt not kill." In spite of this, giving themselves all kinds of excuses, even the leaders of these religions kill the animals while pretending to be holy men. This mockery and hypocrisy of humanity is the cause of the calamities that overwhelm it, such as the periodic outbreak of wars and elements of nature.

Killing animals will not only deprive us of the human form in our next life, but will force us to put on an animal body and be killed by the same kind of animal that we killed. Such are the divine laws. If the mass of people wants to be saved from these chain reactions of killing life after life, it must devote itself right now to develop the Krishna consciousness, the consciousness of God and stop any sinful activity.

It is imperative to stop the consumption of animal flesh, fish, eggs, the use of intoxicants, illicit sex and games of chance. To put an end to these sinful acts makes it possible to know God. Let us immediately stop committing these sins and sing the holy name of God;

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, hared hare.

In order to free us from the cycle of the dead and the successive rebirths and thus to see all our sins disappear. It is easy to reach Lord Krishna, but only for the man who renounces materialism. He who treads the path of material prosperity, intoxicated by the ambition of a noble birth, vast riches, high education, and charming physical traits, remains incapable of sincerely addressing God.

Material prosperity results in being born into a noble family and possessing great wealth, higher education, and attractive physical traits. All materialists burn with desire to acquire this prosperity, considered as the basis of material civilization. But




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