The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 111 of 728

The incarnate being, through the consequences of his past actions, wanders through the whole universe; Life after life, it is placed in various bodies within various species by different fathers.

It is not thanks to a father or a mother that the living being is born. This being has an identity quite distinct from its alleged relatives. It is by the laws of nature that he is forced to enter the seed of a father and then to be introduced into the womb of a mother. He does not have the power to choose who will become his father. The laws of nature force him to go to different parents, just like a consumer product that is bought and sold. The so-called kinship between a father and a son, therefore, exists only by an arrangement of nature; it has no real meaning, and is therefore said to be illusory.

The same living being will obtain a father and a mother belonging sometimes to the animal kingdom and sometimes to the human species. Sometimes his parents will be birds, and at other times they will be celestial beings. This is why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says:

Harassed life after life by the laws of nature, the distinct being wanders across the entire universe on different planets and within various species. If, in one way or another, he is sufficiently fortunate to meet a holy man who will alter his whole life, he may then return to God in his original abode. That is why the Scriptures teach:

"When transmigrating the soul through different bodies, everyone, be it human, animal, vegetable or celestial, gets a father and a mother. So it's not difficult. What is, is to get a genuine spiritual master and Krsna. " That is why the duty of the human being is to seize the opportunity to get in touch with the representative of Krsna, the authentic spiritual master. Under the direction of this spiritual father, he can then return to God, in his original home.

As soon as a distinct being forgets its own position and seeks to make only one with the Absolute, its conditioned existence begins.

It is indeed the conception according to which the Supreme Spiritual Being and the distinct being are equal not only in quality but also in quantity, which is at the origin of conditioned existence. Anyone who forgets the difference between the Supreme Lord and the distinct being is subject to the conditions of the material world, which implies that he must abandon a body to accept another and die to die again. Krsna declares in the Bhagavad-gita (XIV.27): "I am the foundation of the spiritual being." The forgetfulness and misunderstanding of this truth are called maya. It is for having




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