Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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In Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad (founder of Islamism) ), no creature can be killed, not even a mosquito. When the pilgrim approaches this holy place he takes great care not to crush any insects.

The first biographers of the Prophet Muhammad indicate that the latter preferred vegetarian food. Muhammad ate mainly fruits, vegetables, milk, honey and dates.

He said: “Several angels will descend where there is an abundance of vegetables”.

Although Muslims today are predominantly carnivorous, there are many teachings of Islam, especially in the Sufi tradition, which recommend vegetarianism. And as in Judaism, Muslims cannot eat meat without having first followed certain rules.

Al-Ghazzali (1050-1111), one of the great Muslim philosophers said: “To feed on cow's flesh brings disease, but its milk brings health. Compassionate eating habits lead to peaceful lives”.

Buddhism and Compassion.

Buddhism began in India as a reaction to the widespread slaughter of animals. This butchery, born out of a perversion of religion, was opposed by Buddha’s teachings on non-violence.

D.T. Suzuki, a prominent Buddhist authority, writes in his book “The Chain of Compassion”: “Compassion is the foundation of the Buddhist religion. A Buddhist must therefore eliminate meat from his menu, because the consumption of the flesh destroys the seed of compassion”.

Originally, Buddhists were all strictly vegetarians. Unfortunately, very many have deviated from the early teachings. These Buddhists believed that they could feed on an animal that was not killed with their own hands. This kind of deviation had yet been condemned by Buddha, who said: “It is not true that meat can be eaten if the animal has not been killed by oneself”.

Today, for the sake of respect for all forms of life, several million Buddhists have remained strictly vegetarians. It is written: “How can a seeker of truth, who hopes to become a liberator of others, live by feeding on the flesh of other living entities?”.

Regarding food, the Lord teaches:

God never said that human beings could kill animals in order to eat them the flesh is a lie of the demonic disbelievers.




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