Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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Restaurants which practice only spiritual vegetarianism.

More and more restaurateurs and / or restaurateurs want some to know that being Jewish or Christian, they openly embark on the path of spiritual vegetarianism out of a deep belief and love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

That the most important restaurants in the world awaken to this important aspect of health through nutrition is a great change of consciousness. This is the start of a new era, the one heralded by Chaitanya the Avatar of Gold, which will last 10,000 years. During this period, it is said that the Name of Krishna will be pronounced all over the earth.

These restaurants which apply spiritual vegetarianism of course do not sell meat, fish or eggs, and all their menus are delicious. Such restaurants are opening more and more in the world, in Europe, in North America, in Australia and elsewhere.

Eating animal flesh causes disease.

Eating meat, fish and eggs not only harms land and water animals, but also harms all those who eat their flesh too, or their corpses as Jesus said. Consuming animal flesh poses a risk to human health, including serious consequences for the digestive system and the increased risk of contracting a fatal disease.

Today, with a succession of medical discoveries and scientists more striking than the others, it is now proven that the consumption of animal flesh causes many diseases. In some people, the viscera become blocked, and the teeth break.

The consumption and for some the overconsumption of meat, especially red meat, increases the risk of certain diseases (such as colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity or type 2 diabetes). The links between the consumption of red meat and these chronic diseases were provided by the french agency Anses (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travai; in English: National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety.) in its last report.

WHO has officially classified red meat among the probable carcinogens in humans, and processed meats (cold cuts, nuggets, corned beef, cordon bleu, etc.) among certain carcinogens in humans.

A study carried out by scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health, recalls that eating too much meat, especially red meat, cold cuts and other processed meats, is associated with a risk of mortality and of major chronic diseases, especially coronary heart disease.




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