Getting To Know God
Page 123 of 176

These forms of liberation are: To obtain the same perfections as the Lord, to obtain a form similar to that of the Lord, to live in the personal company of the Lord and to reside on a planet Vaikuṇṭha. However, devotees never accept the liberation of melting into the radiance of the Lord.

Those who perform devotional service according to scriptural rites get the various forms of liberation mentioned above. But pure beings, though they can do it without difficulty, have no interest in these forms of liberation, for they are satisfied simply by serving the Lord with absolute love. As for the fifth form of liberation (to merge into the radiance of God), even those who offer the Lord only ritual adoration never accept it. The idea of ​​melting into the radiance of the Supreme Lord attracts only the impersonalist, the one who does not know that God has a spiritual body with a human form. The holy being does not give it any interest.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

“I will open the way to the religion of this age, by the collective song of the holy name of the Lord. In this way I will give the world a taste of the four forms of sweet exchange that are attached to the service of love and devotion, and thereby make it dance with ecstasy”.

“Accepting the role of a devotee, I will teach by My example the practice of devotional service.”

Whoever finds himself in connection with a pure saint is so high that he does not wish to access even the four liberations mentioned above; he sees there only another form of satisfaction of the senses. Pure holy beings never ask the Lord to reward them with any personal benefit. If they were offered such benefits, they could not accept them, since their only desire was to please the Supreme Lord by the service of absolute love that they offered him. This service of devotion, of the highest level, only the Lord in person can teach it. Also, when He appeared Himself as the Avatar of the Iron Age, the present age, in order to spread the glories of the holy Names of God: Hare Kṛiṣhṇa, the worship recommended in this age, He also made known the way of devotional service animated by a pure and spontaneous love. In order to teach the highest principles of spirituality, the Lord appeared as a devotee in the person of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar.

The Lord says:

“No one can teach devotional service if he does not practice it himself.”

“Whenever in some part of the universe religion sees a decline and irreligion rises, I come down in person.”

“I appear from age to age to deliver My devotees and to annihilate the disbelievers, as well as to restore the principles of religion.”




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