Getting To Know God
Page 119 of 176

Kali. Thus, during the Copper Age, the Lord appeared in a form with a dark complexion (Blue-black).

“In the copper age, the Supreme Lord appears in his dark complexion form. Dressed in yellow, he wears his personal weapons and is adorned with stone Kaustubah and Śrīvatsa. These are the signs that characterize Him.”

The religion proper to the age of Kali consists in spreading the glories of the holy name. And this is the only reason for the advent of the Lord in the form of Śrī Chaitanya, the golden-faced Avatār.

The Lord appears through the specific manifestations for each of the four ages. Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age and Kali Age or Iron Age. For each of these ages, the Avatar takes a different complexion, respectively white, red, black and yellow. In the copper age, for example, there appeared Sri Krishna with a dark complexion, and in the age of Kali, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, with a yellow complexion. One must not consider the Lord as an Avatar in the same way as the others, but rather as the source of all Avatars.

Krishna states to be the Father of all beings, and shows infinite goodness. That is why He descends into this world, to remind him of fallen souls, souls conditioned by matter, to bring them back to their eternal home, to his kingdom, where they will live eternally again with Him. To save these souls, Lord Krishna sometimes comes Himself into His original form or Avatar form. Sometimes he sends his intimate servants, his sons, his companions, or his qualified representatives, the true spiritual masters.

All these avatars are plenary emanations of the Lord, or emanations from his plenary emanations, but Sri Krishna Himself is God, the Supreme Lord in his primordial, original Form. Whenever in some part of the universe demonic miscreants sow disorder, the Lord appears to protect his devotees.

The coming Avatar.

And at the point of junction of two ages, when almost all rulers of the earth will have become looters, the Lord of the universe will appear as Kalki, the son of Visnu Yasa, in Sambhala village, India.

Another prediction is that of the advent of Kalki, an Avatar who must appear at the conjunction of two cycles, that is to say when the end of the kali-yuga (iron age) and where a new satya begins. yuga (the golden age).

The four yugas (ages) - Satya (the golden age), Treta (the silver age), Dvapara (the copper age) and Kali (the iron age) - succeed each other as the calendar months. The age of Kali, in which we live today, lasts 432,000 years, of which only 5,000 have passed, since it began after the Battle of Kuruksetra, at the end of the reign of Maharaja Pariksit. So we still have to go through 427,000 years. This time will come the Avatar Kalki, or the “Messiah” for Jews, Christians and Muslims, whose father will




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