Getting To Know God
Page 105 of 176

Krishna also descends into this world to relieve cows, spiritual guides, his servants and holy beings from their suffering. Master of all the supernatural powers and preceptor of the entire universe, He is God, the Almighty.

He sometimes descends into the material universe, to remind his devotees and destroy the disruptive elements of society, such as politicians and monarchs failing their duty. The Lord assures, through his infinite powers, the creation, the maintenance and the destruction of the universes, and yet his powers never know the slightest diminution. Another trait of the Lord is that he pays special attention to the cow, to his servant the spiritual guide and to his devotee, because all three play a vital role for the good of the mass of living beings.

He comes by his own will, whenever irreligion predominates and the true religion disappears. The principles of spirituality are contained in the Vedas, the original scriptures called the “true gospel”, the eternal gospel that has neither beginning nor end, and one degrades oneself to the rank of the ungodly as soon as one neglects to to follow them. These principles are the laws of God. Only God can create a religion. It is therefore He who originally enunciated the Vedas, in the heart of Brahma, the first created being. The principles of true religion are the direct instructions of the Supreme Person, and they are found throughout the Bhagavad-gita (or Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person). The purpose of the Vedas is to establish these principles under the guidance of the Supreme Lord, who affirms that the summit of spirituality is to surrender to Him alone. Vedic principles lead us to the ultimate goal of total surrender to God.

Now, whenever men of a demonic nature undermine these principles, the Lord appears. Every Avatar therefore has a special mission to fulfill, a mission described in the revealed scriptures. No one can be considered an Avatar if he does not respond to the announcement of these writings and if he does not appear there.

Some say that the Lord only appears in India: this is by no means verified. He can manifest where He wants it and when He wants it. When He comes, in one form or another, He gives men as much spiritual knowledge as they can assimilate according to the place and circumstances in which they find themselves. But the mission of all Avatars remains the same: to lead humanity to the consciousness of God and to the respect of spiritual principles.

Krishna sometimes goes down personally; at other times he sends his representative, who may be his son, his servant, or Himself in a disguised form. The principles taught by the different Avatars are always the same, but depending on the circumstances, they take a form sometimes simplified, sometimes elaborate. The mission of the Avatars is always to revive in everyone the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who, though always present, sometimes becomes unmanifest.

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person shows great kindness to forgetful souls, incarnated and conditioned by matter. That is why He appears in person, and gives to




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