Getting To Know God
Page 101 of 176

It is written, “I adore the Sovereign Person, God, who penetrates every universe and every atom as one of its plenary emanations and thus manifests its infinite energy in all material creation.”

The Supreme Lord dwells with the soul in the material body, to enable him to benefit from the amenities of material life.

God testifies to all our actions.

When human justice is often unable to determine with certainty the culprit or does not want to know or even prosecute it, it is quite different from karmic justice.

There are many witnesses to our actions. First and foremost, God Himself, the Supreme Lord, is a direct witness of our actions. The sacred texts of established religions all emphasize God's omnipotence and omnipresence, but how does God, the Supreme Lord, concretely manifest this omnipresence?

Krishna reveals it to us: “There is in the body another beneficiary, which transcends matter. It is the Lord, the Supreme Possessor, Witness and Consentant, who is called the Supreme Soul.”

God reveals to us that He resides in the heart of every living being in the form of the Supreme Soul, and that He testifies and supervises (consents) the interested actions of the individual soul. The Supreme Soul, unlike the individual soul, does not seek to enjoy the fruits, sometimes sweet or bitter, of the material body. She is not interested in the material pleasures offered by material existence. His action consists in witnessing the activities of the individual soul and rewarding it according to its merits, in other words, according to the fruits of its interested actions. By choosing to come into the material world to try to be a beneficiary, the individual soul breaks his intimate relationship with the Lord, and thus becomes indebted for his deeds, and falls under the guise of karma and reincarnation.

The Lord is present in the heart of the individual soul share the bond of love that binds Him eternally to it. He accompanies him on his long journeys through the material world for the sole purpose of helping him return to his true home in the spiritual world. At the same time, the Lord fully respects his independence and freedom (as relative as they are) and helps him to fulfill his desires because without his support and supervision, the living being would remain incapable of doing anything. is.

This dependence of living beings on the Supreme Lord is easily understood, because material energy is one of the Lord's powerful energies, and so depends to act on his will and direction and not on theirs as they do. often think under the effect of illusion.




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