Giving The Keys Of Truth
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his teaching; to reveal to men the traps set by the forces of evil and their tentacles represented by
these false monks unfair to hate speech.
This trust in the Lord allows on one hand to know the intentions of the bellicose forces of evil, the
head of which is the prince of evil, I named Satan assisted by false monks; on the other hand, strong
teaching from God, they resist them, push them back, knowing their true background and fatal
accident, never to be part of them and predict their warlike intent.
All this allows the servant of God to lead people and tell them how to recognize avoid and protect
Being blind and deaf in this case, as regards the messenger of God, it’s to be filled with divine light
offered by the Lord, who has such a spiritual force against which the evil in all its Forms can do
nothing. This allows the servant of God to be blind and deaf to bellicose rhetoric, deceptive and
unfair bound by false monks, and all they want to tell him against the truth, and not follow on the
stony path they are taking, and inexorably leads into darkness. Is to get away from them; Is to refuse
to listen to them.
Is to remain faithful to God and take him, only him, as an example.
That guide people in the path of good, that of the Lord, teaching them the truth. God said:
The one who wants to glory glories, to have intelligence and to know me; know that I am the LORD,
who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, because I delight of that.
The priests will teach the people to distinguish what is holy and unholy, they will make them know
the difference between the unclean and the clean.
I the LORD thy God, I teach you for your good, I lead you in the way you should follow. Here's the
order I give you:
Listen to my voice, I am your God and you are my people. Walk in all the ways that I recommend to
you to be happy.
Word of the LORD to the people:
Even if you cleaned yourself with saltpeter using much soap, your fault is marked before me.
It’s your faults that have disrupted everything; it’s your sins which deprive you of these properties ;
as it is among my people of the wicked. They like the spy who sets traps, they tend a net to take men
of the smallest of them to the greatest; all are greedy.
From the prophet even unto the priest, all avail themselves of falsity. They treat lightly the wound of
my people. Peace, peace, they say. There is no peace. They should be ashamed of the horrors they
By these words of truth, the Divine Being wants, from one hand, let the men acquire a knowledge
unknown by them; and to the other hand, he want to guide and lead them to realize the disastrous
effects caused by pests and sins . Whenever you sin, you mess your spiritual essence, and
consequently, you move away from God.
What is sin?
It is the transgression of the commandments of God, who lost sanctifying grace and causes death to
the spiritual soul, or reduces grace without losing the friendship and the love of God. It owes its




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