Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 36 of 89

Why are we here?

Can live and enter the heavenly world, that spiritual and celestial bodies, having made them, and
fully endorsed and obviously understood the philosophy of God, based on the property and the total
rejection of evil in all its shapes.
No one can enter the celestial universe, if it failed to apply to assimilate and to penetrate the divine
teaching, then imitating the being of light, reaching the state of holiness.
By placing them on land, BEING OF LIGHT wanted to some extent, isolate them from the foul Satan,
but also offer them a second chance to learn and assimilate the education that they already
dispensed so they progress in wisdom and humility.
Here, the main reasons why we are on earth, which is a sort of school wide before us to achieve
perfection, by purifying our spiritual essence, through various events encountered throughout our
earthly journey.
Our presence on earth as you know now is certainly not accidental, since it has been planned in
advance by the celestial beings, with our total support and our approval regarding the conditions and
location. If we have no memory of our reality of spiritual entity, we are the only ones responsible.
By digging into materialism, we cut ourselves off from reality, truth, and we further isolate the real
spiritual world, and of course GOD.
Some data retain the spiritual entity on earth, and takes her to continually want to be reincarnated.
The negative masses generated by evil, spiritual entity stuck in a matrix so thick, it is as blind and not
know where she is. This state leads in spite of her, to seek a way out she can not see, and holds a
prisoner of the area where she carried out her evil, so it stays there.
His attachment to materialism and what it arouses interest as pernicious and perverse, and of course
his ignorance of data relating to the truth leads him to indulge weakness and easy, ephemeral
pleasures land obscuring effects induced .
The spiritual entity created by its activities free of rationality, logic, online driving director of real
purpose, waves and negative masses that obscure his sense of trial, analysis, understanding,
reflection, and retreats in the area, sclerosing his mind and his intellect. It's even worse if it engages
and follows the forces of evil.
Therefore, she no longer knows who she really is, where it comes, does not know its origins more,
know where she is and consider the real and the only existing space in which it operates. She
wanders from that moment without purpose, and builds an environment and a fictional universe.
In sum, it has lost all bearings. Unable to reason with objectivity, knowledge is limited to very little,
the life she leads is at this moment an enormous magnitude, and remains the only worth, hence the
incessant desire to return to earth and / or stay. It must be said that the land remains as a
consequence, his only reality, and the only place she knows.




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