Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 17 of 89

he manages the functioning of 'Overall, under the control of the spiritual entity who has total
Like the animal in that it resembles in all respects, the human body has in its nucleus, the spark of life
that gives it life, whose duration is limited in time, in analogy with the germ of life that God has
placed in the spiritual essence of the spiritual entity, which may remain forever.
The human body alone can not do anything, because his reason must be the spiritual entity that lives
there, he used this as a clothing material.
The third part of the trilogy human, to my mind the most important because it is that, unknown men,
who can connect and keep up the spiritual entity with its carnal envelope.
It is the unknown part, which it wrongly and ignorantly, has been likened to the soul or spirit, and
therefore considered as such.
But you know now that the soul and spirit means in reality the spiritual entity, since they are part of
its components.
So I will call this third part: HETER BODY
It actually has two component elements, both material and spiritual, including the original source
material that forms their cores and thus allows their unions, he attribute this exceptional opportunity
to connect the spiritual entity with its garment material, called carnal envelope.
St. Augustine wrote about this:
Modus quo spiritus corporibus member comprehendi ab homine non potest, et hoc tamen is home.
The way the mind is united to the body can not be understood by humans, and yet it is man.
Some people dissociate the soul of wit, considering dealing with two distinct parts, playing a specific
role. Reasoning thus, clearly reflects a total ignorance of celestial mysteries.
The BEING OF LIGHT to this lack of knowledge can not learn all the men and apostles in particular,
could only convey the essential while advancing steadily and gradually, especially during his
appearance (resurrection) he data revealed their capitals.
For the most enlightened men, if the soul is the spiritual being, the spirit is the inner part, where it
remains active.
If we leave our fleshly envelope, which is our vehicle, which allows us to move in the material
universe in which we live, or clothing as suggested by BEING OF LIGHT, we must admit that we see
and hear through specific organs created for that purpose, although they are emitting sources, but
still only tools.
That is the spiritual entity which resides, which preserves the spirit of initiative, and that is the major
principle acting.
It is the same for the motorist. His vehicle is a tool just like the human body to the man. He can see
through the lights for example. Not seeing the vehicle but the driver who is in control of the car.




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