Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 12 of 89

The human body which has been given by God to live and evolve on earth as a garment, to maintain
in this area, isolating them in some sort of real spiritual world.
They themselves have caused the two;
That is to say, spiritual entity + carnal envelope.
Hence the expression of Christ You've done two.
In our case, we should not overwhelm our first parents, because we are no better (he only have to
see how we behave), we have also committed the same mistakes.
We are on earth for the same reasons they, being unable to obey, to imitate God, and we connect to
its roots with nature is the cornerstone.
Now our dearest wish is to achieve the UN, that is to say again what we were before we incarnate on
earth, what we really are, but this time in awareness and finally, spiritual entities to return from
whence we come, in the heavenly universe.
If we want to return and stay permanently this time, we have GOD as we recommended, renounce
once and for all the evil in all its forms, working for the good, imitating God. All follow his example,
obey him, for he is truly the way, the truth and the life.
Everything he says is true for men.
The sentence below disposes of what has been said.
When you are in the light, what will you do?
Having refined our spiritual essence on earth, listening, obeying God, respecting and applying its
precepts, laws and ordinances, commandments, we hung in his divine roots, by imitating him, which
is love, goodness , justice and peace, finally giving up the evil in all forms, we will make every effort
to stay on this path. We will do everything to stay permanently.
Therefore, our Heavenly Father after offering us eternal life with love will keep us near him.




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