The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 27 of 88

Three gates open to hell; lust, anger and greed. Let every sane human being close them, because they lead the soul to its loss.

The man who knew how to avoid these three gates of hell dedicates his existence to acts that engage in spiritual realization. He thus gradually attains the supreme goal. On the other hand, he who rejects the precepts of the holy scriptures to act according to his whim, attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme goal.

Free yourself from anger, greed and concupiscence, in order to elevate yourself on a spiritual level. Concupiscence, anger and greed furrow the heart with their parallel lines and impede all progress on the spiritual path.

Free from all attachments, free from fear and anger, completely absorbed in Me and seeking refuge in Me, many purified themselves by coming to know Me, and thus all attained pure love for Me.

Action must be offered as a sacrifice to the Supreme Being, lest it bind its author to the material world. Also, fulfill your duty to please Him, and forever you will be freed from the chains of matter.

To those who serve and worship me always with love and devotion, I give the intelligence through which they can come to Me.

Every man is engaged in various acts, whether in conformity with the revealed scriptures or not. Just know that it is enough to use the fruit of such acts to worship me in Krishna consciousness to be immediately blessed with a happiness that will be perpetuated in this life and the next, in this world as in the next. No doubt about that.

Surrender yourself totally to Me. By my grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach my eternal and supreme home.

Surrender to Me, and I will protect you from all perils. I promise and must always protect anyone who surrenders completely to Me. Whoever surrenders to Me will never again experience the problems of birth and death. I give faith and refuge to anyone who surrenders to Me and vows to serve Me forever, for such is My nature.

When a mortal surrenders to Me and offers all his fruitful labor to Me in his desire to serve Me with love and devotion, he then attains the freedom of birth and death, and qualifies to attain the immortality, the sharing of my nature and the opulence that accompanies me.

If someone becomes my devotee and fully surrenders to Me, I give him special attention.

You can proclaim it with force, My devotee will never perish.




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