The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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Dwell in illusion, all those who are under the influence of maya, the energy of illusion of the Lord, which is akin to satan. The latter exerts its influence in two ways: by the “projection” effect, or by the “veil” effect.

Through the “projection” effect, it plunges living beings, human beings and animals, into the darkness of ignorance of data relating to God and existential truth, and through the “veiling” effect, it covers the vision of human beings with meager knowledge relating to the existence of Krishna, the Supreme Person.

Maya, the illusory energy also manifests its influence on men of lesser intelligence, leading them to believe that they are identical with God.

In truth, each of us is a spiritual soul distinct from Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, a tiny fragment of his Divine Person, so we must understand that being part of the Whole, the fragment can never claim to become the Supreme.

This should rather be seen as an indication that the soul conditioned by matter and the energy of illusion falls victim to the last trap of the illusory energy, which makes it believe that it is God. Bringing the conditioned being that each of us is in this material world to claim to be one with the consciousness of the Lord, this is the last stratagem used by the illusory energy to bring it down.

Whoever dies under the influence of ignorance of the data relating to God, to his true spiritual identity, to spiritual knowledge and to existential truth, is reborn in the world of animals. And those who are under the influence of ignorance, fall on the infernal planets that make up Hell.

Those shrouded in ignorance go mad. Because their situation throws them into distress, they take refuge in intoxicants, drugs, and thus sink further into ignorance. Very dark is their future. They fall into the infernal worlds. Their wrongdoings can instead rush them to different hellish planets to further suffer the torments of material life.

The Lord affirms that the demonic beings who refuse to admit his existence sink ever deeper into the darkness of ignorance and thus reincarnate, life after life, without the slightest knowledge of his Person.

It is now, throughout our current life, that we must prepare for our next existence.

What is the use of having a long life in this world, if we have to spend it in fear, anguish, suffering and ignorance of existential truth?

Better is a moment of perfect awareness, because it marks the beginning of a quest turned towards our true ultimate goal, God.

The material cosmos in which floats countless galaxies, each loaded with a considerable number of stars and various planets, is actually called “the world of oblivion and the place of the dead”. We are in hell, because death is being separated from God. Now it's up to us to fix it.




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