The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 48 of 150

He who commits an offence against a great soul will suffer, and who blasphemes God will be punished severely.

Whoever blasphemes Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is punished. One must never seek to worship, to venerate Lord Krishna in a hostile way, otherwise one will be punished at least for a lifetime, in order to be purified. Just as one should not provoke one’s own death by embracing an enemy, a tiger or a serpent, neither should one blaspheme God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person, and become one’s enemy under pain of experiencing hell.

Let us understand that even an enemy of the Lord can be saved, let alone his friend. Therefore, let us refrain from blaspheming Krishna or one of his plenaries, for the latter and Krishna are One, whether in thoughts, words and deeds, for he who does so will go to hell, as will his ancestors.

Lord Krishna says to this effect: “The envious and the evil ones, the last of men, I plunge into the ocean of material existence in various forms of demonic life. These,

being reborn life after life within the demonic species, can never approach Me. Gradually they sink into the most abominable condition.

The one who blasphemes the Supreme Lord will have to be reborn in a family of demonic unbelievers, where he may well forget the service of the Lord.”

Lord Krishna adds: “The mudhas (stupid and scoundrel person, devoid of true intelligence, and having no other purpose in existence than to satisfy his senses), the scoundrels, blaspheme the Supreme Lord because He appears in the guise of an ordinary man. They know nothing of His infinite greatness.”

Whatever those who act as enemies of the Lord do, as virulent atheists do, they will see all their efforts fail. If they yearn for liberation or merging into existence with the Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being, the only aspect of God known to believers on earth, if they wish to ascend to the higher planetary systems as inveterate materialists , or seek to return to God, in their original home, they will certainly see all their efforts foiled.




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