The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 144 of 150

Always sane and respectful, he seeks no respect for himself. He is grave, merciful, tolerant, friendly, poetic, expert, humble, calm, restful and silent. Friend of all living beings, he has no enemies. Serene, he is endowed with all virtues. He does not torment any living being, including insects.

Endowed with perfect knowledge, having seen the truth, he makes no distinction between all human beings, regardless of the shape of their bodies or their color, for he loves them all with equal love and sees them all with one eye.

He loves all animals and plants with unconditional love and gives them the respect and protection they deserve, because he does not see the material body, but the spiritual soul that resides in it. He sees only in each of them the spiritual being embodied in the specific material body, which has been bestowed upon it.

He has no enemies, for he considers all human beings without exception as his brothers and sisters, and delights in walking with them on the path of God's love. Those who have reached the level of spiritual realization see in each material body a temple of God, because the Supreme Lord, Krishna, resides in the material envelope of each living being, in his form of Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit.

This is why we have to love each other, because we also love Krishna, God, the Supreme Person at the same time. In truth, whoever loves God, quite naturally also loves all living beings without exception with an unconditional love.

Lord Krishna reveals the qualities of his devotee.

The envious devotee of nothing, who behaves with everyone as a benevolent friend, who from nothing believes himself the possessor, who is freed from the false ego (of identification with his body and of the desire to dominate matter) and remains the same in joy as in sorrow, who forgives, who always knows contentment and is resolutely committed to devotional service, and whose mind and body are abandoned to the Supreme Lord, this one is very dear to me.

The devotee who is never a cause of agitation for others, whom joys and sorrows do not affect, who does not depend in any way on the modes of material action, the pure being expert in everything, free from all anxiety, free from suffering, and who does not seek the fruit of his acts, This one is very dear to me.

He who does not seize joy or sorrow, who does not grieve or covet, who renounces the favorable as well as the unfavorable, this one is very dear to Me.

He who is equal to friend or foe, who remains the same in glory or disgrace, in heat or cold, in praise or blame, forever pure from all defilement, ever silent, content with all things, heedless of lodging, and who, established in knowledge serves Me with love and devotion, he is dear to Me.




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