The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 131 of 150

Action done with a view to its fruits, on the other hand, leads to bondage and must therefore be considered highly harmful. Everyone has the right to fulfil his duty, but no one should ever act with a view to the results. To perform one's duties in a spirit of detachment is to take a sure step towards spiritual liberation.

The Lord advises us to act out of duty, without attachment to the fruits of action.

Not wanting to act or perform one's duty is another form of attachment. Good or bad, material attachments are always a cause of bondage and can in no way help us to free ourselves from the material condition.

Inaction, on the other hand, is reprehensible. The only way to salvation is to act as one's duty requires.

What does it mean to be “dead” while still living?

Anyone who is not led by his thoughts, words and actions to turn to religion, and better still to God, who is not led by his ritual religious practices to choose the renunciation of sense pleasure and materialism , or whose renunciation does not lead to the consciousness of God and to the devotional service offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, must be considered dead, even if she breathes and lives.

As the Lord teaches, any action that does not ultimately lead to devotional service is a cause of bondage in this material world. Unless the human being gradually rises to the level of devotional service from his natural activity, he is little better than a corpse or a grave. The action that does not promote the development of Krishna consciousness also called God consciousness, must be considered useless, because without real interest.

What does it mean to surrender to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person?

Indeed, interrupting any sensory pursuit to focus on the supreme cause is a mark of self abandonment, such abandonment is in turn a definite mark of devotional service dedicated to Krishna. Each being must devote himself to the service of love and devotion offered to Lord Krishna if he wishes to know the ultimate cause of his existence.

Willingly surrendering to Krishna, executing all his instructions, obeying Krishna and doing all his will spontaneously, immediately, frees from all the consequences of sin as many as they are, and offers liberation from this material world.

To surrender oneself to God is to have absolute trust in him, to the point of offering him his life, his existence, all that one possesses and all that one does.

To surrender to Krishna is to serve Him with love and devotion, to take pleasure in Him, and to love Him.

Surrender to Krishna is total purification.

Thus, as soon as a being abandons himself to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, he surely becomes free from all defilement.




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