The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 111 of 150

The purpose of the Lord, to put them flat by touching the personnel who work there, so that the leaders change their orientation, and lean towards the human mass suffering and abandoned by the states, and turn to the Lord. [Many members of slaughterhouse staff around the world are affected by covid-19, bringing the activity of these death centers to a halt in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, and Australia and in Asia in particular].

Governments must close all terrestrial and aquatic animal farms, slaughterhouses and fisheries, which kill millions of innocent terrestrial and aquatic animals every day in the world, as well as butchers and fishmongers, who market the bodies of animals killed. They must also protect all terrestrial, crawling, flying, aquatic animals and plants, wherever they are in the world.

The human form must enable the soul that has obtained it to attain spiritual realization, to deepen the knowledge of God, to know God as He really is, and to discover the ultimate purpose of existence, which is none other than Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The first duty of a king or head of state is to watch over his people, and to protect all his citizens, whoever they may be. All human beings in a state are considered citizens, as well as all land, creeping, flying, aquatic, wild and domestic animals, and all plants. All humans, animals and plants are living beings with a right to live, because each of them is a soul incarnated in a specific body.

As such, monarchs and heads of state must ensure that no one violates the life and integrity of all citizens, human, animal and plant alike.

Still today, Krishna, through various diseases such as bird flu and others, is decimating the breeding of land and aquatic animals in the world, in order to force the various breeders to change their activity and to put an end to these breedings where innocent living beings are regularly killed.

Other signs appear regularly, these are the natural plagues, earthquakes, drought, flood, hurricanes, violent winds, etc., which aim to force the men of the zones concerned to modify their attitude, and to comply with divine directives.

Who walks with God, acquires his sublime teaching, puts into practice austerity, meditation, obedience to Krishna, abandonment to his divine person and serves him with love and devotion, will see his being rise spiritually to the point to attain spiritual realization, to attain Krishna consciousness, will be bestowed by Krishna with spiritual vision, and will be able to interpret all the warning signs that God will shed on earth.

In truth, everything is spiritual.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person created the material cosmos where an unimaginable number of galaxies float from its external energy, or material energy. The latter is related to Krishna, to whom she owes absolute obedience. Krishna, by his omnipotence, can make her a spiritual energy, and vice versa. In the material universe, the spiritual and the material interpenetrate.




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