Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 65 of 624

The benevolence of the Lord is such that even if a virtuous being does not reach the stage of pure devotion and free from all material defilement, he will be granted to reach him in his next life by being born again into a well-to-do family or among the devotees of the Lord. The virtuous holy being will not have to engage in the hard struggle for material existence, and will thus be able to complete his purification. When he finally leaves his body, he will immediately return to the kingdom of God, his original home, and will abide there forever.

The Blessed Lord teaches us to save us:

Once again, I will teach you this wisdom, the highest of knowledge, thanks to which all the sages here below are elevated to ultimate perfection. Whoever establishes himself in this knowledge can attain the spiritual and absolute nature, similar to Mine. So he is not reborn at the time of creation, and at the time of dissolution, is not affected by it.

The whole material substance is the seat of conception. I thus make possible the birth of all beings. Understand that all species of life proceed from the bosom of material nature, and that I am its Father, who gives the seed.

Material nature is formed of the three gunas [the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance]. That the distinct being [the spiritual being distinct from God], imperishable, touches the material nature, and he finds himself conditioned by these three gunas.

Know that virtue, the purest of the gunas, enlightens the being and frees him from the consequences of all his sinful acts. The one she governs develops knowledge, but at the same time, becomes conditioned by the feeling of happiness that she brings. Virtue attaches being to happiness. When through all the doors of the body [the two eyes, the two ears, the two nostrils, the mouth, the genital opening and the anus] penetrates the luminous flow of knowledge, then one can be assured that virtue grows in power.

Whoever dies under virtue gains the upper planets, the pure planets where the great sages live.

Acts performed under the aegis of virtue bring about the purification of their author, and from virtue is born the true Knowledge.

Those ruled by virtue gradually ascend to the upper planets.

Passion know, consists of thirst, longing and endless desires. It borders the embodied soul which it dominates with material action and its fruits. It attaches the being to the fruits of its acts. When the passion grows, then with it do the signs of great attachment, of uncontrollable desires, of fiery aspiration and of intense effort. Whoever dies under passion is reborn among human beings, who dedicate




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