Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 614 of 624

In the kingdom of God, every word is a song, and every step is a dance.

Vrindavana is a place of eternal spiritual nature, populated by goddesses of fortune, known as gopis. All are the beloved of Krishna and He their only love.

The trees are all wish-trees, from which one can obtain whatever one desires. The earth is made of philosopher's stone, and the water is nectar. Every word is a song, every step is a dance, and Krishna's flute accompanies his movements at all times. Lord Krishna, dressed in bright yellow clothes and adorned with a beautiful lotus garland, sometimes sings in a beautiful, sweet voice. A very pleasant fragrance emanates from his sublime body, which spreads to more than a hundred kilometres around, permeating the atmosphere to the delight of all beings. It shines with great beauty.

Everything shines with its own light. Those who obey Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who follow His instructions, who do His will, who surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, will very soon attain their original, spiritual condition, and as spiritual beings, they will return to the Lord to listen to Him play His wonderful flute. They will be attracted and fascinated by the sublime spiritual sound vibrations emanating from it, but also to play, dance and sing with the Lord.

The pure, eternally young beings who live in the spiritual world are constantly singing wonderful spiritual songs to the glory of Lord Krishna.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the real, sole and ultimate goal of existence. To go and find Him in His absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity, the place where our original abode is, should be our only thought, our only concern and our only objective.

After leaving his two bodies of dense and ethereal matter, the saintly being, the devotee of Krishna, regains his true spiritual body and returns to God, to his original abode in the kingdom of the Lord, where he is received with great respect and reverence by all those who already live there.

These are the various aspects of spiritual bliss experienced in the spiritual variety of the eternal and absolute kingdom of Lord Krishna.

In the kingdom of God there is no past, present or future, and this is a true wonder. This is the ultimate goal of existence.

For more information, see the book The Spiritual World.




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