Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 595 of 624

Who are we really?

Each of us is, in truth, a spiritual spark, a spiritual soul, an integral part and infinitesimal fragment of Krishna. We too possess within us a part of the Lord's energy or power of bliss.

The Lord Himself teaches us that the dazzling radiance emanating from His supreme and absolute body is an emanation of His spiritual energy or inner power, so we too have a tiny part of this most beautiful energy within us, being a tiny particle of His sublime Person.

In truth, the individual and distinct spiritual souls of God, which each of us is, are spiritual atoms also called spiritual sparks, infinitesimal eternal fragments, infinitesimal eternal parcels, integral parts of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, infinitesimal components of that radiance, that dazzling radiance, that absolute light. This radiance is limitless, immeasurable, infinite.

Just as the sun and its rays cannot be separated, so it is with Lord Krishna and the radiance or dazzling radiance or absolute light, which emanates from His body. That is why the Lord makes it clear that this radiance is none other than Himself, and that it emanates from His spiritual energy or inner power.

This radiance, this dazzling radiance, this absolute light is constituted by a set of minute particles also called spiritual sparks, or in other words by the living beings or spiritual beings, which each of us is.

The expression “I am the radiance” can also be applied to living beings who can also claim to be part of this dazzling radiation, this absolute light, since they all together make it up.

We living beings, as spiritual beings or spiritual souls, can also say “I am a tiny component of this radiance”, for each of us is a tiny component, a spiritual spark, a tiny particle, an emanation integral to this dazzling radiance. We all together constitute this dazzling radiance.

This radiance, this dazzling radiance, this absolute light, is an emanation of the spiritual energy of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

In truth, not only is the soul a minute spiritual particle, an infinitesimal spiritual spark, a spiritual atom finer than the material atom, a constituent of the radiance emanating from the divine body of Krishna, also called by the Lord Himself dazzling radiance or absolute light, but it also has a form.

We are in the world of forgetfulness.

We have forgotten God, the link that unites us to Him, who we really are, and how to get out of this illusory world where we have to undergo the wheel of time, rebirths or reincarnations and repeated deaths, and in each life experience these four sufferings: birth, illness, old age and death.

We have forgotten God and the service of love and devotion that we must offer Him. That is why we are lost in this world of successive deaths and reincarnations, where suffering is permanent.

In truth, oblivion comes from death. When we die, we have to change our body, and it is this change of body that causes forgetfulness.




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