Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 57 of 624

This is why we must turn to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person if we do not want to leave our body without knowing where we will go next, nor in which material body we are. we will reincarnate.

If like me you choose to return to the kingdom of God, then you too will know where you will go when you die. For this we must:

Put Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in our mind with the help of the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord, “Hare Krishna”, love him, obey him, make his divine will, to renew the bond which unites us to Him, to unite our desires and our interests to His, to abandon ourselves to Him, and to serve Him with love and devotion.

The Lord says: Whoever has it hour of death leaves his body remembering Me alone, immediately attains My kingdom, do not doubt it.

Those who always serve Me and adore Me with love and devotion, I give them intelligence through which they can come to Me.

Abandon yourself entirely to Me. By My grace you will know absolute peace, and you will attain My eternal and supreme abode.

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that I can be known as I am. And the being who, through such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.

It is only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can Know Me as I am, standing before you and likewise, in truth, seeing Me. In this way, and only in this way, will we be able to unravel the mystery of My Person.

I grant faith and refuge to anyone who abandons himself to Me and vows to serve Me forever, for such is My nature.

Always fill your mind with Me and become My devotee to full fledged. Constantly devote your worship to Me and just hand it over to Me. This is the only way to access My kingdom. I am revealing to you here the most secret of knowledge, because you are My infinitely dear friend.

He who knows the Absolute of My Advent and of My Acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter My eternal kingdom.

When they have reached Me, the devout spiritualists, these noble souls, having thus risen to the highest perfection, never return to this ephemeral world [the material cosmos] where suffering reigns.

I promise you, and I owe Myself, to always protect anyone who surrenders himself entirely to Me.




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