Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 566 of 624

The Lord says: There is really nothing that exists apart from Me, that is what you must clearly understand.

God is the ultimate reality, the only one. There is no other existence except that of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Nothing exists but Him and Him alone. He is the only Living Being there is. We are all, in truth, minute fragments of His Divine Person.

Lord Krishna tells us about the radiance that emanates from his spiritual and absolute body.

Addressing Arjuna, His disciple and pure devotee, the Lord said: My dear Arjuna, this dazzling radiance, this absolute light that you are contemplating, know that it is none other than the radiance emanating from My body. This brahmajyoti [this radiance] is none other than Myself. This radiance is an emanation of My spiritual energy. This radiance extends beyond the realm of My external energy [material energy]. He who dwells in this material world cannot know this radiance, therefore it is not manifested in the material universe, but only in the spiritual world.

Krishna, the Supreme Person, is God in His personal, original and absolute form. His entirely spiritual and absolute body is no different from His Supreme Person. There is no difference between His spiritual and absolute body and His Supreme Soul, for they are One. Basically, the spiritual energy, the internal energy and the blissful energy of the Lord and their source, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, are one.

Since each of us is a spiritual spark, a spiritual soul, an integral part and infinitesimal fragment of Krishna, we too possess a part of this bliss energy within us. The Lord's blissful energy or power is present in every spiritual being that each of us is.

The Lord Himself teaches us that the dazzling radiance emanating from His supreme and absolute body is an emanation of His spiritual energy or inner power, so we too have a tiny part of this most beautiful energy within us, being a tiny particle of His sublime Person.

In truth, the individual spiritual souls distinct from God, which each of us is, are spiritual atoms also called spiritual sparks, minute eternal fragments, minute eternal parcels, integral parts of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, infinitesimal components of that radiance, that dazzling radiance, that absolute light. This radiance is limitless, immeasurable, infinite.




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