Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 492 of 624

happiness. But he whose mind is bathed in peace will live happily anywhere, even deprived of his high position.

The Lord adds: I offer My respectful homage to wise scholars [spiritual masters or spiritual guides], and to devotees, for the former always find satisfaction in themselves and the latter are constantly engaged in acts beneficial to human society. Wise scholars and devotees are the best friends of men. Both are free from selfishness and their minds are constantly bathed in serenity.

When the incarnate being is able to go beyond the three gunas [the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance], he frees himself from birth, old age, death, as well as the sufferings they cause. He can therefore enjoy ambrosia, in this very life.

Although still embodied in a human body, the spiritual being can, by cultivating spiritual knowledge, free himself from the influence of the three gunas. Even in his current body, he can benefit from the happiness of the spiritual life, because after leaving his body he is guaranteed to reach the spiritual world.

In other words, one recognizes the human being freed from the hold of the three attributes of material nature as it is established in devotional service, in Krishna consciousness or God consciousness. Indeed, when one is freed from the three gunas, one immediately adopts devotional service and Krishna consciousness, thanks to which we can approach God, and see him face to face.

The whole secret of God consciousness is realizing that nothing exists apart from Krishna. Who understands this truth frees himself from all fear and then knows supreme peace.

Lord Krishna says: Such devotional service [To be absorbed in the service of pure and unadulterated love and devotion mixture offered to God], pure and exemplary, has the power not only to grant the holy being the liberation of this world, but also to elevate him to the spiritual realm, where he will serve Me eternally.

Lord Krishna adds: It is my eternal principle to fulfill by My grace the desires of whoever takes refuge in Me.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, desires to see happy all the beings of this material world, it is for this reason that he especially wants us to return to his eternal and absolute kingdom, our true original home.

The Lord says: The energy constituted by the three attributes of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, this divine energy which is Mine, one cannot easily overcome it, but which abandons itself to Me easily crosses its limits. The beings in the world of conditions [the one in which we evolve], are eternal fragments of My Person. But because they are conditioned [by matter and the energy of illusion of the Lord], they fight fiercely against the six senses, and among them, the mind.




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