Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 49 of 624

Although individual beings distinct from God, spiritual souls, are an integral part of the Supreme Lord and are purely spiritual, they suffer no less in this world, struggling against the vicissitudes of existence, because of the mind and the senses. In order to escape this illusory struggle for existence and for happiness in this world, we have to dominate our minds and senses, and detach ourselves from material conditions. At no time should the practice of austerity be neglected [not to have sex outside marriage, not to eat meat, fish or eggs, not to consume drugs and exciting products such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea, and not to play gambling] and penance, we must always apply ourselves to it.

If the transcendent spiritualist leaves the field open to his mind and does not control, the latter will bow before enemies such as lust, anger, greed and envy, which will not fail to destroy him.

The uncontrolled mind with its train of concupiscence, anger, greed, madness, envy and delusion, can undoubtedly destroy the spiritualist. The latter in fact, once dominated by his mind falls back to the material level. We must therefore be very careful with the mind.

The mind is at the origin of lust, anger, pride, greed, envy, affliction, illusion and fear, all these tendencies combine to enslave the being to the action concerned.

The mind is the original cause of the enslavement to matter, and many of our enemies accompany it as anger, pride, greed, affliction, delusion and fear

The best way to always remain in control of the mind is to absorb it into Krishna consciousness or God consciousness. And since the evil tendencies which escort the mind bind us to matter, we should be careful not to put our trust in it, for it is both our best friend and our worst enemy. It is by putting God in our mind through the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord, that we will be able to master our mind as well as our senses. This song also allows us to purify ourselves.

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare haré / Haré Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

This song in Sanskrit means: Ô Lord, Ô source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant.

When the mind and the senses are purified, all existence is purified, and one then frees itself from any material designation. We cease to consider ourselves as a celestial being, a human being, an animal, a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim or others, an American, a European, an African, an Asian or others.

When the senses and the mind become purified and when we become fully absorbed in the service of Krishna, we can be liberated and we can return to God, to our original abode, in the realm of Supreme Lord Krishna.




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