Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 477 of 624

to make the resolution not to do it again, and to finally turn to God, who is the ultimate goal of existence.

Fort of what has just been said, if we allow ourselves to take the life of a human being, we prevent him from doing all this, worse, we condemn him to suffer. Let us not remain clinging to the material sphere of existence, forgetting that the spiritual dimension is primordial, and that matter proceeds from the spiritual.

In truth, by practicing euthanasia or assisted suicide, by these two acts abominable, people only shift the causes of the problem. They believe they are putting an end to the suffering engendered by the body, but it does not, because the root or the causes of their suffering remain. In reality, death does not resolve or end their suffering, for their causes are just shifted to their future life. The Lord makes it clear that death is certain for those who are born, and birth certain for those who die.

This word of the Lord is a warning to human beings ignorant of the data relating to existential truth. As long as we remain chained to matter, slaves of our senses and our mind, prisoners of this material world by our refusal to obey God, we will be forced to undergo the cycle of repeated rebirths and deaths, the conditions to be the origin of our sufferings in material existence will not be resolved.

The material body is in reality the prison of the spiritual soul. We have forgotten it, but the fetus in the mother's womb, then at birth, the being suffers. The body is at the origin of the sufferings of the embodied spiritual being. God said so Himself, this material world is a universe of suffering. This is why, for millennia, he has asked us to return to his absolute kingdom, where suffering is absent and true happiness, real and permanent.

Euthanasia does not alleviate the sufferings of the incarnate spiritual being, because it actually causes the physical, mental and psychic difficulties and sufferings of the embodied soul to shift to its future life, and it will have to suffer again in its future existence. Indeed, he will be reborn under the same conditions as those he knew at the time of his death, and the physical handicaps which were his will be found in his new body. From birth he will suffer from it again and again.

We have an example of these cases in many families, where the baby is born disabled, with physical and mental deformities, or other, consequences of his guilty acts committed in his past life, and not erased. It often happens that he is born with an incurable disease, usually the one he had when he died in his last life, or that he does not live long and dies young, because his second life is in fact an extension of his life. last existence interrupted by an abominable act, euthanasia, assisted suicide, or medical aid in dying.

Unlike ordinary people, suffering, pain and other misfortunes cannot be changed in this material world, diminished or diminished, because they are the fruits of our own




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