Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 471 of 624

Only the consciousness of God can overcome this relentless illusory energy which is akin to Satan. Anyone who abandons himself to God and serves him with love and devotion escapes this illusory conception of existence, which obliges the human being to follow a cycle of uninterrupted rebirths and deaths.

Then we can immediately renew the bond of love with the Lord and enter his absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, happiness and eternity.

Logos 454

Goto table of logos

In truth, “The dream American” is a lure, a brake on the development of spirituality and spiritual realization.

Must undergo the cycle of rebirth and death repeatedly, all those who reject God, and who have a conception bodily existence. When a blind man wants to lead or guide others, eventually all will fall over a precipice.

Now, that is exactly what is happening now. There are many blind and ignorant leaders all over the world who decide to lead the masses of mankind as blind and ignorant as they are. Because they all have a bodily conception of existence of which the pleasure of the senses is the base, they will suffer endlessly, life after life. Under these conditions, there can be no peace or prosperity on earth, only violence and war.

Let us not be fooled by illusions, and make the right choice.

Many people are let lead by inveterate materialists, who make them dangle The American dream, that is to say an existence centered on the multiple pleasures of the senses, the unbridled search for wealth, power and whose immoderate taste for honors, in are the base, but which have only an ephemeral duration, where suffering cannot be suppressed, and an end of which death is the final sign.

In truth, The American dream is a hindrance to the development of spirituality and to spiritual realization. It is a dream which does not lead to light, but to the darkness of ignorance and to perdition.

It obliges the incarnate spiritual being to endure tirelessly the influence of the energy of illusion, attributes of material nature to the point of being conditioned, and of becoming a slave to his senses, his mind, and matter. From then on, he becomes a prisoner of his material body and is forced to continuously undergo the cycle of rebirth and death, in a body whose nature he does not know, because depending on his actions, whether or not guilty.

Woe to all those who serve the energy of illusion which is akin to Satan, for they will be kept in the darkness of ignorance, and will experience the torments of hell.




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