Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 449 of 624

There are bodily differences between the various varieties of living beings, but the virtuous holy being should not distinguish between living beings on this basis. He must acquire a vision that the individual spiritual soul and the Supreme Soul (God) are both equally present in every material body and in all species.

This is why we must do no harm to all living things, humans, animals and plants. We must love them all with equal love, but we must especially protect all animals without exception, and all plants in all their diversity. We must understand that we have no enemies.

The Lord specifies to this effect: Through the burning fire of death, I arouse a terrible fear in anyone who draws the slightest distinction between him- same and other beings due to external [bodily] differences.

Know that all terrestrial and aquatic animals, but also all plants in their diversity all also have a soul. On the spiritual level they are all on the same level as man. This is why God commands us to stop eating meat, fish and eggs.

We currently have a clear idea of the damage caused by covid-19. By this warning the Lord asks us to find our reason, to change our behavior, to repent, to do penance, to turn to Him, to obey Him and to do His divine will.

In truth, it is the Lord who rules the world, and his material energy through nature acts under his authority. Let us obey God, always do what He says, serve Him with love and devotion, this is our true eternal original natural duty and let us fear Him, for He is the Almighty.

Happy all those who surrender themselves entirely to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and who serve him with love and devotion; because they will live in peace and harmony, they will not suffer. The Lord will take them under his divine protection and will protect them from all dangers.

God plunges the spiritual being into oblivion, in order to spare him the sufferings relating to reincarnation.

In general, death means the exit of the spiritual being from his body which has become unusable and the entry into a period of unconsciousness which lasts approximately nine months within a new body, in the womb of a new mother.

In truth upon death, reincarnation is almost immediate and the transfer into the womb of a new mother is carried out by the agents of God. The soul, as soon as it leaves the previous body, is plunged into unconsciousness, in order to avoid the sufferings due to the uncomfortable position of its new body in the womb of its new mother, and as well as to the shape of the latter. if it differs from the previous one. Indeed, a soul embodied in a human body which decides to turn its back on God, to no longer obey him, which refuses his authority and worse, who dares to claim that




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