Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 436 of 624

Logos 442

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Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is vegetarian, and like Him, let us adopt spiritual vegetarianism.

The Lord says: That one offers Me with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, this offering I will accept it.

After showing that He is the original Lord, the supreme beneficiary and the true object of all sacrifices, Lord Krishna reveals what offerings He desires to be presented and offered in oblation.

If indeed we desire to devote ourselves to the Lord through devotional service and thus to purify ourselves to reach the goal of existence, which is precisely the service of absolute love of the Lord, the first thing is naturally to know what He expects of us. Whoever loves Krishna will offer Him whatever He desires, and not, of course, what displeases Him or what He did not ask for.

Also, we should not offer Him meat, fish and egg, which He will not accept. In fact, the Lord clearly indicates the offerings that He desires to be made to Him and that He will accept, as He confirms; a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water. If He had wanted meat, fish, and eggs, He wouldn't have failed to say it or mention it. So we must understand that He will not accept such offerings. Vegetables, grains, fruits, milk and water make up a food suitable for human beings, and recommended by Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself. No other food is to be offered to Him, since He will refuse it. If one does not respect his desire, how can we speak of love and devotion to God, concerning the service and the feelings we feel towards him?

Lord Krishna explains that only the reliefs of the food offered in sacrifice are pure, and suitable to nourish those who seek to progress towards the goal of existence, to finally free themselves from material entanglement. All food, all meals must first be offered as a sacrifice to the Lord before being consumed. Of those who do not offer their food as a sacrifice, He specifies, they eat only sin. In other words, each bite they swallow drives them deeper into the intricacies of material nature.




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