Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 416 of 624

More than once they will sojourn in different matrices, and come into the world with pain. They will undergo rigorous detentions, and will be condemned to serve other creatures.

They will be forced to separate from their parents, their friends and live with the wicked. They will amass wealth and lose it. Their friends, acquired with difficulty, will become their enemies.

They will have to endure destitute old age, painful illnesses, sorrows of all kinds, and death unconquerable.

In whatever frame of mind produced by the one of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature [virtue, passion and ignorance], that a man performs such or such an act, he collects the fruit of it in a body endowed with this quality.

Let us learn now and in order, for what actions committed, the soul must in this material world enter such or such a body.

After spending many series of years in the terrible hellish abodes [the hellish planets in the lower region of the galaxy, beneath the earth, called Hell], at the end of this period, the great criminals are condemned to transmigrations, to the following reincarnations, to complete atone for their faults.

The murderer of a wise scholar passes into the body of a dog, a boar, a donkey, a camel, a bull, a goat, a ram, a wild beast, a bird, a candâla [a degraded human being like the untouchable], and a pukkasa, the lowest of human beings, like the tramp, depending on the gravity of the crime.

The wise scholar who drinks spirits will be reborn in the form of an insect, a worm, a grasshopper, a bird feeding on excrement, and a ferocious animal.

The wise scholar who stole the gold of another wise scholar will pass a thousand times through the bodies of spiders, snakes, chameleons, aquatic animals, and evil vampires.

The man who defiled the bed of his spiritual master is reborn a hundred times as a grass, a bush, a vine, a carnivorous bird like the vulture, animal armed with sharp teeth like the lion, and ferocious beasts like the tiger.

Those who commit acts of cruelty become animals greedy for bloody flesh like cats.

Those who eat food prohibited become worms, thieves, beings devouring each other.

Those who court women of the lower social class, become pretas [ghosts].

The one who had intercourse with degraded men, who knew another's wife, or who stole something, but not gold from a wise scholar, will become a spirit called brahma-




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