Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

Of all that is luminous, the Supreme Soul (Also called the Holy Spirit) is the source of light. She is unmanifested, She dwells beyond the darkness of matter. It is knowledge, the object of knowledge and the goal of knowledge. She dwells in everyone's heart.

I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me comes remembrance, knowledge and forgetting. I am everyone's goal. The Vedas [the original holy scriptures] is to know Me. Truly, it is I who composed the Vedanta [the summit, the conclusion of knowledge, the essence of Vedic philosophy (of the Vedas)], and I am the one who knows the Vedas.

Because that you never jealous Me, I will reveal to you the most secret wisdom, by which you will be released from the sufferings of material existence.

This knowledge is king among all sciences. It is the secret of secrets, the purest knowledge, and because it makes us directly realize our true identity, represents the perfection of spiritual life. It is imperishable, and of joyful application.

What I am revealing to you now is the most secret part of the Vedic scriptures. He who understands its content will know wisdom, and his efforts will lead him to perfection.

I have given this imperishable science, the science of union and communion with the Supreme (God), to Vivasvan, the celestial being of the sun, and Vivasvan taught it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu taught it to Iksvaku. Supreme Knowledge transmitted from master to disciple, this is how the holy kings received and realized it. But over time the disciplic succession broke down, and this science in its state of purity now seems lost.

Nothing in this world as pure and sublime as absolute knowledge. Ripe fruit of union with the Divine Being. Whoever possesses it finds joy in himself at the right time. The man of faith bathed in absolute knowledge, master of his senses, soon knows the highest spiritual peace.

While even you are the vilest of fishermen, once you embark on the vessel of spiritual knowledge, you will cross the ocean of suffering. Similar to the blazing fire that turns wood into ashes, the brazier of knowledge reduces to ashes all the consequences of material actions.

The knowledge that the scriptures reveal about My Person is most secret, and it demands to be achieved by the simultaneous practice of devotional service. Lend Me a listening ear, as I reveal to you all that it is necessary to know for the accomplishment of this task.

Avatar Vyasadeva compiled, 5,000 years ago, all spiritual knowledge originally emitted by Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself, and heretofore transmitted orally. He is the greatest philosopher of all time, the one who had previously gathered in writing all the other Vedic texts (the Vedas, the original holy scriptures) the four Vedas, the Vedanta-sutras or Brama-sutra, the Puranas, the Mahabharata… The author of Srimad-bhagavatam, words of wisdom, answers directly in these pages to all existential questions. This teaching is the very essence of spiritual wisdom, and remains the eternal and absolute truth.

The 465 logos which I offer you below the content are taken from this masterful work, from the best of all the sublime revealed books, the cream of the crop. The immaculate essence of pure eternal knowledge, of which God Himself is the author.

Logos: Words of wisdom. Word allowing, like a vector, to transmit in a just, precise, truthful way, all the data relating to God, to the absolute truth, to the existence, to the divine word, to the wisdom of God, to the teaching of Supreme Lord, with knowledge derived from the science of Krishna or pure spiritual science, with pure reason, perfect intelligence, and the essence of eternal knowledge.




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