Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 346 of 624

The Lord said: Leave there all form of religion and simply surrender to Me. All the consequences of your faults [of your sins], I will set you free. Have no fear.

This is the secret of success, the perfection of existence.

Who abandons himself to God and serves him with love and devotion, enjoys the divine protection of the Lord. No one can touch him let alone hurt him. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in his personal, primordial and absolute form, is according to circumstances and places referred to as the Name of Visnu, which deserves our attention. Indeed, it is in his form of Visnu that Krishna, the Original Lord, plays his role of support or destroyer. Lord Visnu is a full emanation of Krishna, and it is also through this aspect of his Person that the Lord manifests his omnipresence.

The Lord's desire is to see all incarnate and conditioned souls who wander through material creation to find their place with Him, to return to their original home located in the eternal kingdom. He helps them by giving them spiritual and absolute writings such as the Vedas, the original holy writings also called the true gospel by sending to them saints and sages, and his representative, the master spiritual, his servant. The sacred writings, the saints and the spiritual master show absolute purity, where never material influences can throw the slightest stain on them. If it happens that through foolishness an obtuse materialist seeks to destroy them, then the Lord's protection extends over them.

The omnipotent Lord, everywhere present inside and outside of all things, neutralizes any malicious act going against his pure servant or his pure servant. He thus protects his devotee. The Lord grants his protection to all beings, because of all, He is the Supreme Guide. His superiority over others is marked by the fact that He, the One Divine Person, provides for their needs for all. So whoever knows him can attain eternal peace.

The Lord said: Abandon yourself to Me, and I will take you under My protection.

The Lord grants his protection to beings of various levels through its multiple energies. But his pure devotees, it is He Himself, His very Person, who protects them.

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Let us no longer remain in ignorance and blindness, and choose in conscience the place where we want to go at the moment of death, and where we wish to live in our next life.

At the origin of all things, when the material universe did not yet exist, all spirit beings lived with God in the spirit world, and they all served him with love and devotion.




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