Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 34 of 624

Let us all realize that all bodily conceptions of pleasure are only products of illusory energy and realize that all things in this world material is only the creation of material energy, in its aspect of illusory energy.

The original holy scriptures also called “The true gospel”, specify:

Wake up, wake up. You are fortunate and privileged to have human form, which is seldom obtained, you must now access spiritual realization”.

We must rediscover our true spiritual identity, and know that we are indeed one. spiritual entity also called spiritual soul. The spiritual awakening of the senses and the mind is due to the action of the internal power of the Lord, which can only be attained through the unmotivated mercy of God. It is through the grace of this energy that one can achieve spiritual enlightenment. The latter acts on the living being who surrenders completely to the Lord and accepts his natural and original position of eternal servant. The fact of placing oneself at the disposal of the Supreme Lord, of being ready to do his will, it is then that He is gradually revealed to us by spiritual energy.

When the individual being distinct from God is truly revived by spiritual energy, all of his senses become purified, and he then devotes himself exclusively to the service of the Lord. Thus illuminated, the holy being has no more material activities. Nor does he have the slightest desire to engage in such activities. This way by which the distinct being purifies his senses and uses them in the service of the Lord is none other than the service of love and devotion.

Even though a man seems to stay awake all day long, until he has developed spiritual sight within himself, he is really just sleeping. As long as he does not come to act in full spiritual light, he is considered to be continually asleep.

After having spent countless lifetimes indulging in harsh austerities to obtain knowledge, man accesses real knowledge and attains real wisdom when he surrenders himself to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Thus, the holy being who has come to perfect knowledge cannot, at any time, forget what he owes to the Lord.

Also, if somehow we become aware of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, no matter what our initial motives are, we will eventually realize the truth as it is by the grace of the Lord. We will then lose all interest in material pleasures which will appear bland. It is only given to holy beings, devotees of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person to access the perfection of existence. As for the one who takes only the first steps on the path of devotional service and who, without being yet ripe, falls from his position, he is nevertheless superior to the man who devotes himself entirely to the interested acts of this material world.

To surrender to God, to love him and to serve him with love and devotion, allow us to put an end to the misfortunes and sufferings that we suffer in this world, to approach the Supreme Lord, and to enter into his eternal kingdom.




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