Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 303 of 624

One of Krishna's diversions is to make material creation emanate from Him, to maintain and reabsorb it in regular cycles, through Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, called guna-Avatars.

Material nature operates in three modes (gunas): at the time of creation, construction, generation, procreation, etc., material nature operates in the mode of passion. At the time of conservation, maintenance, preservation, etc., nature is oriented in the mode of virtue. At the time of dissolution, destruction, devastation, etc., nature operates in the mode of ignorance.

Brahma the demiurge, first being created and regent of our galaxy placed in this position by Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, controls nature in the mode of passion, he is the engineer who has created the galaxy. Each galaxy has its Brahma, which is the first being created in all galaxies. Although Brahma is normally found in the category of spiritual entity distinct from God, he is considered to be an Avatar (Avatar = incarnation) of Krishna, for he finds himself invested by Him with his immeasurable power of creation. Brahma uses the ingredients provided by Krishna and, according to his plans, he builds the material galaxy, then he begets his offspring, known as Prajapatis, whose descendants inhabit all the planets.

Vishnu, full emanation of Krishna, controls nature in the mode of virtue and maintains material creation. He himself is the Supreme Lord. In the spiritual realm of God, where nothing is fleeting, virtue exists without any tinge of passion or ignorance. So it is with good reason that Vishnu controls this quality even in the material world, where it is surrounded by ignorance and passion.

Shiva, the lord of nature in the mode of ignorance, by its wild and devastating dance, destroys the galaxy when it comes to an end, that is to say when total annihilation has come, the end of the world. Shiva is not a separate spiritual entity from God, but a personal emanation from Krishna. However, by his intimate contact with ignorance and with matter, which by definition is in the mode of ignorance, it is impossible to obtain from the worship of Shiva the same spiritual benefit that is obtained. by worshiping Vishnu or Krishna. For this reason Shiva has his own category, the shiva-tattva.

Brahma the demiurge says: At the beginning of creation there are the austerities, myself and the Prajapatis, the great sages with the power to beget. Then, during the preservation of creation, there are Lord Vishnu, the celestial beings with controlling powers, as well as the kings of the different planets. But, in the end, there is irreligion, then Lord Shiva, the atheist disbelievers, etc. However, they are all only representative manifestations of the energy of the supreme power, of the Lord.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and his three categories of energies.

There is no limit to both emanations and incarnations of Krishna. The divine emanations and incarnations are innumerable, as are the waves of the ocean. Krishna




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