Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 296 of 624

through which we will enter his absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

Logos 352

Goto table of logos

The Lord said:

The moments when we start from this world never to return, those also where one leaves and returns, let Me now describe them to you. Who knows the Supreme Being leaves this world at an auspicious time, in the light of day and under the sign of the celestial being of fire, during the fifteen days when the moon grows and the six months when the sun passes to the north. Whether he leaves at night, in the smoke, during the waning moon or within six months of the sun passing south, whether he reaches the lunar star, and the spiritualist will have to come back to this world again.

There are two ways to leave this world:

In the darkness or in the light. One is the way of return, and the other of no return. They never go astray, holy beings, who know both ways. Always be steadfast in devotion. The study of the holy scriptures, the sacrifices, the austerities, the charitable acts, the philosophical research and the self-interested action, whoever chooses the path of devotional service is in no way deprived of their fruits and, in the end, he wins the absolute kingdom.

I grant faith and refuge to anyone who abandons himself to Me and vows to serve Me forever, for such is My nature. The influence of material nature is insurmountable, of course, but who abandons himself to Me easily crosses its limits. I am the Supreme Soul, the Soul of all beings, the Supreme Master and dearest of all. Men wrongly attach themselves to bodies of dense and ethereal matter, when in truth they should attach themselves only to Me alone.

The man of true knowledge surrenders to Me. My sovereign home is a spiritual and absolute realm from which one does not return to this world of matter. Whoever attains supreme perfection, occupied in serving Me personally with devotion in this eternal abode, attains the highest perfection of human life and does not have to return to this world where there is suffering. Always think of Me and become My devotee. Adore Me and give Me your homage. So you will come to Me without fail. I promise you, for you are My dearest friends.




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