Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 272 of 624

can protect us effectively except God Himself. -even. The ultimate refuge is in the Lord. Whoever seeks refuge in Him has the assurance of being protected. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person said:

You can proclaim it with force, never My devotee shall perish.

Accordingly, unless one be protected by the grace of the Lord, no protective measure will prove to be truly effective

In the glorious days before the coming of the present age, one of discord, strife, hypocrisy and from sin, priests, spiritual guides or masters, cows, women, children and the elderly were all duly protected, and society as a whole reaped great benefits:

1) The protection of priests and spiritual guides or masters assures the maintenance of the institution par excellence, since it offers the experimentally surest method of raising all members of society to the level of spiritual life, to the perfection of existence.

2) The protection of the cow ensures an abundance of the most miraculous of all foods, milk, which refines the subtle tissues of the brain, and thus enables the higher values of existence to be grasped.

3) The protection of the woman preserves her chastity and, by the same fact, the moral purity of the whole society; thus can be conceived men of an exemplary nature, capable of maintaining society in a state of peace, tranquility and progress.

4) The protection of the child gives every being who has obtained human form the best opportunity to take the path that will free him from the chains of matter. The child must be protected from the moment of its conception by the performance of a purificatory rite, which marks the beginning of a pure existence.

5) The protection of the elderly gives them the opportunity to prepare for a better existence after death.

This protective regime, which covers the whole of society, is based on the traits which distinguish a civilization of accomplished men from a civilization of dogs and cats, however refined. It is strictly forbidden to kill a priest, a spiritual guide, a cow, a woman, a child or an old man; more: the slightest offense against them has the effect of shortening the existence of whoever is guilty of it. In the present age, these principles are scarcely observed, hence the considerable reduction, for all men, of longevity and the various disorders they encounter.

The science of God also insists on protection of women. From the moment, the sacred text tells us, when women, for not having been protected, corrupt themselves, an unwanted offspring is born. On the other hand, whoever offends a chaste woman will see misfortune befall him, in the form of a reduction in the duration of his existence. These are just a few examples of the Lord's uncompromising laws.




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