Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 267 of 624

thoughts to the pleasures of the senses. The only satisfaction one should seek is that of the Supreme Lord; this pursuit brings about a perfect state, which is easily attained through the simple and straightforward practice of Krishna consciousness. By nature, the mind is unstable; endlessly, he wanders from one thought to another. If the man aware of his spiritual identity dominates him instead of being its slave, he becomes the master of the mind and the senses. Otherwise, he remains a slave to the senses. Krishna consciousness, which consists of serving the Lord with purified senses, is not only the means of dominating one's senses, but, moreover, the peak of the practice of union with the Supreme Lord.

The being knows consummation when, once purified from contact with matter, he becomes absorbed in the absolute service of the Lord. But one cannot remain at the spiritual and absolute level if one does not manage to fix his mind on the Lord. To serve the Lord with steadfastness and pure love, that is, to live in Krishna consciousness, is to be already freed from the yoke of passion and washed away from material stain. To realize one's spiritual self is to know one's original and eternal position, in relation to God, to know that one is an integral part of the Lord, and made to serve him with love and devotion. The constant spiritual union with the Absolute through this service is called the perfection of existence.

Logos 335

Goto table of logos

The Lord says: “The true transcendentalist (spiritualist) sees Me in all beings and all beings in Me. In truth, the realized soul sees Me everywhere. Whoever sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me is never separated from Me, as neither do I separate Myself from him. The transcendentalist knowing Me One with the Supreme Soul, located in the multiplicity of beings, adores Me and in Me always remains. The perfect spiritualist sees, through his own experience, the equality of all beings, happy or unhappy”.

The Krishna-conscious spiritualist has perfect vision, for he sees the Lord in the heart of every entity alive in the form of the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, the Lord lives in the heart of everyone, human, animal or plant. The perfect spiritualist is aware that God remains absolute and neutral in both cases, that He is in no way affected by the body He occupies. The individual soul distinct from God, too, resides in the heart, but unlike the Supreme Soul, does not simultaneously inhabit all bodies. The holy being sees Krishna everywhere, in the heart of the believer as in that of the unbeliever.

The holy being sees Krishna in everything, and sees everything in Krishna, he knows that everything in the material universe, is none other than its energy the fundamental principle of Krishna consciousness. Nothing can exist without Krishna, for He is the Supreme Lord. On this basis then develops love for Krishna, which entails




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